1. Cohen, Leonard (1992) Anthem, track 5, side 1 of The Future, Columbia Records.
2. Dury, Ian and the Blockheads (1978) Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick / There Ain't Half Been Some Clever Bastards, Stiff Records.
3. Fairbanks, M. S., and R. P. Taylor (2010) ‘Scaling analysis of spatial and temporal patterns: From the human eye to the foraging albatross’, in Stephen J. Guastello and A. M. Gregson (eds) Non-linear Dynamical Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences Using Real Data, Boca Raton, Florida: CRC.
4. Maté, Gabor (2008) In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close encounters with addiction, Berkeley, North Atlantic.
5. Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (1967) Wind Sand and Stars, trans. Lewis Galantiere, New York: Harcourt Inc.