1. Brazier, M. A. B., A History of the Electrical Activity of the Brain. 116 pages, Macmillan Co. New York, 1962.
2. Field, J., Magoun, H. W., Hall, V. E., Hand Book of Physiology, Section 1 Neurophysiology, pp 1–58 Vol I, American Physiology Society, Washington, D. C., 1959.
3. Gray, P., Ed., The Encyclopedia of the Biological Sciences, pp 341–342, Rheinhold Publishing Co., New York, 1961.
4. Haymaker, W., The founders of Neurology, pp 116–119, Charles Thomas Publishers, Springfield, Ill., 1953.
5. Hill, J. D. W., Parr, G., Eds., Electroencephalography, pp 9–15 MacMillan and Company, New York, 1952.