1. Beaumont, O., Legrand, A., Marchal, L. and Robert, Y. 2004.Assessing the impact and limits of steady-state scheduling for mixed task and data parallelism on heterogeneous platforms, in HeteroPar'2004: International Conference on Heterogeneous Computing, 296–302. Cork, Ireland: IEEE Computer Society Press. Jointly Published with ISPDC'2004: International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing
2. Complexity Results for Throughput and Latency Optimization of Replicated and Data-parallel Workflows
3. Mapping pipeline skeletons onto heterogeneous platforms
4. A. Benoit, L. Marchal, and Y. Robert, Who needs a scheduler? Technical Report RR-2008-34, Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP), October 2008
5. Computing the Throughput of Replicated Workflows on Heterogeneous Platforms