1. US BLS. Census of fatal occupational injuries. 2018. https://www.bls.gov/iif/oshcfoi1.htm. Accessed January 10, 2019.
2. US BLS. Survey of occupational injuries and illnesses data. 2018. https://www.bls.gov/iif/oshcfoi1.htm. Accessed January 10, 2019.
3. Oregon OSHA. Workplace fatality initial reports. https://osha.oregon.gov/pubs/reports/Pages/fatality-initial-reports.aspx. Accessed January 10, 2019.
4. Harrington M, Garland J Contract Logger safety improvement interactive poll. Personal communication on December 17, 2019.
5. Organization of work in the agricultural, forestry, and fishing sector in the US southeast: Implications for immigrant workers' occupational safety and health