1. MENZENHAUER, P., PEPPLER, W., STRUWE, D. and WILL, H. Out-of-pile simulation of mild TOPS; Development of pin failure, material movement and relocation in bundle geometry. Proc. Int. Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology. Seattle, WA, USA
2. GAUNTT, R. O. Analysis of TRAN in-pile fuel freezing penetration experiments. Proc. Int. Topical Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety. Vol. 2, pp.849–855. Knoxville, TN
3. FIEG, G. Penetration and freezing phenomena of ceramic melts into pin bundles. Proc. Int. Fast Reactor Safety Meeting. Snow-bird, Utah. Vol. II, pp.387–396.
4. SPENCER, B. W. Summary and evaluation of R-series loss-of-flow safety tests in TREAT. Proc. Chicago Fast Reactor Meeting, CONF 761001. pp.1647–1657.