1. Anzidei F. Serafini G. Tibuzzi R. (2022). Pathfinder Arena [Board game]. Giochi Uniti. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/giochiuniti/pathfinder-arena
2. Arneson, D., & Gygax, G. (1974). Dungeons & dragons (1st ed.). TSR.
3. Asmodee Group. (2021). Asmodee acquires the digital platform “Board Game Arena” to pursue innovation in board game across the globe [Press release]. https://corporate.asmodee.com/news/asmodee-acquires-the-digital-platform-board-game-arena-to-pursue-innovation-in-board-game-across-the-globe/
4. Possessions and the Extended Self
5. Sharing: Table 1