1. Theorizing Implementation of Public Management Policy Reforms: A Case Study of Strategic Planning and Programming in the European Commission
2. Bondo Christensen, A. 2016. “Debat: Vi skal stå sammen om at vaerne om demokratiet” [Debate: We Must Stand Together to Defend Democracy]. Altinget, December 19. https://www.dlf.org/nyheder/2016/december/debat-vi-skal-staa-sammen-om-at-forsvare-demokratiet
3. Bondo Christensen, A. 2018. “Bondo: Kritik af ledelsen bør ikke fører til sanktioner” [Bondo: Criticism of Leadership Should not Lead to Sanctions]. https://www.dlf.org/nyheder/2018/oktober/debat-kritik-af-ledelse-boer-ikke-foere-til-sanktioner-1
4. Bondo Christensen, A. 2020. “Forårets skole giver medvind til politisk opgør med styringen af folkeskolen” [Schools Offer Support This Spring for a Political Showdown to the Management of Primary and Lower Secondary School]. https://politiken.dk/debat/kroniken/art7906461/For%C3%A5rets-skole-giver-medvind-til-politisk-opg%C3%B8r-med-styringen-af-folkeskolen