1. Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation (Faculty of Medicine), Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada; Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) delegate to WFOT
2. Professor and Director School of Occupational Therapy, Assistant Dean Faculty of Health, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
3. PhD candidate, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada
4. BOT, MSC in Educational Psychology, Private Practice in Paediatric and School based Occupational Therapy, former WFOT Delegate for Association of Occupational Therapists of Panama
5. Clinic Director Fondation Tous Ensemble, Les Cayes, Haiti, President of the Haitian Association of Occupation Therapy (HAOT/AHE )
6. Associate of the Brazilian Association of Occupational Therapy (ABRATO); National Coordinator of the Working Group on Occupational Therapy in Mental Health of ABRATO, President Latin American Confederation of Occupational Therapy (CLATO) – 2015/2017, Delegate ABRATO / CLATO – 2011/currente; Representative of Occupational Therapy in Federal Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Committee of the Mercosur for the Brazilian Ministry of Health
7. Private Practice in Neurological intervention, WFOT Delegate for the Asociación de Profesionales en Terapia Ocupacional (APTO)