1. Asmal, Kader. 2018. “Introduction.” In: Albert Luthuli (eds). Let My People Go. Cape Town: Kwela: xiii–xxiii.
2. Benson, Mary. 1963. Chief Albert Lutuli of South Africa. London: Oxford University Press.
3. Couper, Scott. 2012. Albert Luthuli: Bound by Faith. Pietermaritzbeurg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
4. Fanon, Franz. 1973 [1961]. The Wretched of the Earth. Trans. C Farrington. London: Penguin.
5. Felman, Shoshana and Dori Laub. 1992. Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. New York: Routledge.