1. Moscow, RIA, in English, March 31, 1999,Foreign Broadcast Information Service Central Eurasia(HenceforthFBIS SOV), March 31, 1999; Amy Knight, “The Enduring Legacy of the KGB in Russian Politics,”Problems of Post-Communism, XLVII, No. 4, July-August, 2000, pp. 3–15; Stephen Blank and Theodore Karasik, “'Reforms' That Hark Back to Stalinist Times,”Los Angeles Times, July 20, 2000.
2. Lenin's Government: Sovnarkom 1917–1922
3. Ibid. See also statements by Chief of Staff General Anatoly Kvashnin, that appear in the following interviews, Moscow,Interfax AiK, in Russian, August 25–31, 1997,FBIS-SOV-97-190-S October 2, 1997, and 97–265 September 23, 1997; Kaliningrad,Kaliningradskaya Pravda, in Russian, August 31, 1997,Foreign Broadcast Information Service Military Affairs(HenceforthFBIS UMA)-97-259, August 31, 1997;St. Petersburg Times, November 17–23, 1997, from Johnson's Russia List, djohnson@erols.com, No. 1371, November 17, 1997; and more recently by Sergei Ivanov, Moscow,Komsomolskaya Pravda, in Russian, February 3, 2000,FBIS SOV, February 4, 2000.