Are Enhanced Trade and Enhanced Security Mutually Exclusive? The Western Canada-U.S. Borderland in a Post-9/11 World


Bradbury Susan L.,Turbeville Daniel E.


Informa UK Limited


Earth-Surface Processes,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference64 articles.

1. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, “Canada/United States of America Accord on Our Shared Border” (Ottawa, 1996), July 18, 2005).

2. Daniel Drache,Borders Matter: Homeland Security and the Search for North America(Halifax: Fern-wood Publishing, 2004).

3. See Fraser Institute, “The Fraser Institute's Annual Survey of Canadian Exporters: Growing Concerns About Protectionist Sentiment in the United States” (The Fraser Institute, 2004), February 20, 2008); Ontario Chamber of Commerce, “Cost of Border Delays to Ontario” (Ontario Chamber of Commerce, 2004), February 20, 2008); and Alan D. MacPherson, James E. McConnell, Annelise Vance, and Vida Vanchan, “The Impact of U.S. Antiterrorism Policies on Canada-U.S. Cross Border Commerce: An Exploratory Study from Western New York and Southern Ontario,”The Professional Geographer58 (August 2006): 266–277.

4. See Ontario Chamber of Commerce, “Cost of Border Delays to Ontario,” and MacPherson, McConnell, Vance, and Vanchan, “The Impact of U.S. Antiterrorism Policies on Canada-U.S. Cross Border Commerce,” note 3. Also see Ontario Chamber of Commerce, “Border Policies 2007–2008 (Ontario Chamber of Commerce, 2007), 20, 2008).

5. As this discussion shows, there aretwoBlaine WA-Douglas BC crossings. We will use the terms Pacific Highway (truck crossing) and Peach Arch (passenger vehicle crossing) to distinguish between them.

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