2. Ardill, Susan and Sue O’Sullivan (1985), ‘Dizzy Pace in Women’s Publishing’, New Statesman, 25 October, p. 12.
3. Austin, Hannah (2019), ‘Exquisitely Rough: Outsiders, Social Class, and the Iceberg of London Publishing’, New Welsh Review 31. https://www.newwelshreview.com/article.php?id=2368.
4. Literature and the Creative Economy
5. Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee (2018), ‘Committee’s Findings on the Independent Review of Support for Publishing and Literature in Wales’. http://senedd.assembly.wales/documents/s72956/The%20Independent%20Review%20of%20Support%20for%20Publishing%20and%20Literature%20in%20Wales%20Report%20-%20March%202018.pdf (last accessed 29 August 2019).