1. Women in Israel
2. An Oral History of the Palestinian Nakba
3. Alhaj Ali Eman. “The Wanton Destruction of Mosques and Churches.” The Electronic Intifada. Accessed December 9 2023. https://electronicintifada.net/content/wanton-destruction-mosques-and-churches/42521.
4. Al-Jazeera. “Israeli Army Arrests Al-Shifa Hospital Director Other Doctors in Gaza.” Accessed November 23 2023. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/23/al-shifa-hospital-director-arrested-by-israeli-army-in-gaza#:∼:text=Hospital%20director%20Muhammad%20Abu%20Salmiya in%20a%20statement%20on%20Thursday
5. Arab News. “The Old Will Die and the Young Will Forget: David Ben Gurion.” Accessed April 25 2002. https://www.arabnews.com/node/220313.