1. A good source here is: Bezer, op. cit.
2. Rimvydas Silbajoris, Arvids Ziedonis, Jr., and Edgar Anderson, eds., Second Conference on Baltic Studies; Summary of Proceedings (Norman, Oklahoma 1971), pp. 216–8, and “Appendix II,” pp. 223–32. See also: Edgar Anderson, “Report on the Second Conference,” in op. cit., pp. 208–212.
3. Horak Stephan M. , “Non-Russian Nationalities of the USSR in American Studies,” a paper delivered at the AAASS meeting in Dallas (March 15, 1972).
4. Curtiss John , “Russian History in the United States,” Canadian Slavonic Papers, (Spring 1970).
5. Immigration History Newsletter, Address: Dr. Carlton C. Quarley, Minnesota Historical Society, 690 Cedar Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101.