1. Lynch, R., Dosch, R., Kenna, B., Johnstone, J. and Nowak, E. The Sandia Solidification Process—a Broad Range Aqueous Solidification Method. IAEA Symposium on the Management of Radioactive Waste, pp.360–372. Vienna, Austria
2. Lynch, R. W. “Sandia Solidification Process Cumulative Report”. Edited by: Lynch, R. W. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia Laboratories. Technical Report SAND‐76‐0105
3. Dosch, R. G. June 1976. “The Use of Titanates in Decontamination of Defense Wastes”. June, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia Laboratories. Technical Report SAND‐78‐0710
4. Martin, H. D., Schmitz, M. A., Ebra, M. A., Walker, D. D., Kilpatrick, L. L. and Lee, L.‐M. In‐Tank Precipitation Process for the Decontamination of Water Soluble Radioactive Waste. Proceedings of the Waste Management Symposium, Tucson, AZ
5. d'Entremont, P. D. and Walker, D. D. Tank Farm Processing of High Level Waste for the Defense Waste Processing Facility. Proceedings of the Waste Management Symposium, Tucson, AZ