1. ‘Arbitration CAS 95/142. C v Fédération Internationale de Natation Amateur (FINA), award of April 22, 1996’. In Recueil des sentences du TAS, Digest of CAS Awards II 1986–1998, edited by Matthieu Reeb, 215–24. Berne: Staempfli Editions SA Berne, 1998.
2. Arbitration CAS 95/142. L v Fédération Internationale de Natation Amateur (FINA), 1995. In Recueil des sentences du TAS, Digest of CAS Awards II 1986–1998, edited by Matthieu Reeb, 225. Berne: Staempfli Editions SA Berne, 1998.
3. Arbitration CAS 94/129. USA Shooting & Q v International Shooting Union (UIT), award May 23, 1995. In Recueil des sentences du TAS, Digest of CAS Awards II 1986–1998, edited by Matthieu Reeb, 187–204. Berne: Staempfli Editions SA Berne, 1998.