1. 13C NMR spectroscopy of C76, C78, C84and mixtures of C86–C102; anomalous chromatographic behaviour of C82, and evidence for C70H12
2. The resonances (4C except where indicated) are at 147.35 (2C), 147.28 (2C), 146.86, 146.77, 146.21 (2C), 146.26, 145.26 (2C), 144.98, 144.29, 144.27, 143.72, 142.68, 138.56, 138.46, 138.32, 137.26, 137.06, 136.94, 136.20, 135.22, 134.73 (2C), 136.61; these areca.0.38 ppm downfield from those determined from a [78]fullerene mixture4, due to lock signal differences
3. Taylor , R. 1998. Molecular Nanostructures, Edited by:
Kuzmany , H. and
et al. 136Singapore: World Scientific.