1. See also Franzinelli (2009). This cesura in the dynamics of the post-war cult of the Duce is also marked in memories of most interviewees.
2. Magazine articles on mundane events concerning Mussolini's family are often preserved in private archives. In Marzio's collection, articles such as “Alessandra Mussolini sposa a Predappio” (Oggi, October 28, 1989) are kept together with other ones discussing the public role of the town and the phenomenon of black tourism, especially from 1989. This shows the interviewees' concern with, or at least interest in, the debate on the changing public role of their hometown.
3. News about a bomb on the tomb of the Duce reached also the national press. See “Bomba alla tomba del duce” (La Nazione, December 13, 1971).
4. ASFo (Archivio di Stato Forlì), Prefettura, B. 442.F. 28 and F.‘Ordine Pubblico’.