1. VIDEO: World Record Breaking Nutbush Attempt at 2023 Mundi Mundi Bash;ABC News;ABC News,2023
2. Bench, Harmony. 2020. “Screen Sharing: Dance As Gift of the Common.” In Perpetual Motion: Dance, Digital Cultures and the Common, edited by Harmony Bench, 127–128. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
3. Cashmere Paul. 2023. “Tina Turner’s Australian Connection.” Noise11 May 25 2023. https://www.noise11.com/news/tina-turners-australian-connection-20230525.
4. Douglas Carly. 2022. “Outback Nutbush Attempt Comes Up Short at Mundi Mundi.” News.Com.au August 20 2022. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/music/music-festivals/outback-nutbush-attempt-comes-up-short-at-mundi-mundi/news-story/92ad9f8c1b7c25f9ea5a260fc9c88967.
5. What Goes Around Comes Around … Or Does It? Disrupting the Cycle of Traditional, Sport-Based Physical Education