1. M. B. Stout,Basic Electrical Measurements. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1960.
2. E. W. Golding,Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments. London: ELBS and Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1962.
3. W. D. Cooper, and A. D. Helfrick.Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Tech-Niques. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 1989.
4. H. S. Kalsi,Electronic Instrumentation. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 1995.
5. A. K. Sawhney,Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation. Delhi: Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1996.