1. Anon.(1956). Fruit tree raising.Min. of Agric. Bulletin135, 22.
2. Anon.(1960). Ann. Rep. Long Ashton Res. Sta.for 1959, 24.
3. den Boer, A. F. (1959) Ornamental crab apples. The American Association of Nurserymen.
4. Campbell, A. I. (1961a). Virus diseases of fruit trees. VII. Latent virus in apple varieties and rootstocks.Ann. Rep. Long Ashton Res. Sta. for 1960, 61–6.
5. Luckwill, L. C., andCampbell, A. I. (1954). The use of apomictic seedling rootstocks for apples. Progress Report.Ann. Rep. Long Ashton Res. Sta. for 1953, 47–52.