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2. Byrde, R. J. W.(1950). Experiments on the control of Brown Rot of fruits : progress report, 1947-48. Rep. Agric. and Hort. Res. Sta., Long Ashton, Bristol, for 1950, 161-173.
3. Horne, A. S.(1933). Biological work on fruit. D.S.I.R. Ann. Rep. Food Invest. Bd. for year 1932, 279-300.
4. Moore, M. H.(1938). Field trials in 1937 of the fungicidal and phytocidal properties of certain sprays used against Apple Scab. Rep. E. Mailing Res. Sta., for 1937, 229-235.
5. Moore, M. H.andRogers, W. S.(1943). Sun Scald of fruits. Rep. E. Mailing Res. Sta. for 1942, 50-53.