1. Berkeley, G. H., andChamberlain, G. C. (1944). Diseases of the raspberry. Canad. Dep. Agric. Pub. 760.
2. Bradford, F. C. (1922). Observations on winter injury. Part I. Early and late winter injury. Mo. agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 56.
3. Harris, R. V. (1931). Notes on diseases of the raspberry, loganberry and blackberry in 1928–1930. Rep. E. Mailing Res. Sta. for 1928–30 (Supplement), 133.
4. Shoemaker, J. S. (1948). Small-fruit culture. 2nd Ed. The Blakiston Co., Philadelphia and Toronto.
5. Wood, C. A. (1950). The Fruit-Grower, Aug. 3, 1950, 165.