1. A.D.A.S. (AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND ADVISORY SERVICE) (1981).Tulip forcing. Booklet 2300. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Publications), Alnwick, NE66 2PF, UK.
2. A.D.A.S. (1982).Tulip bulb production. Booklet 2298. Ministry of Agriculture. Fisheries and Food (Publications), Alnwick, NE66 2PF, UK.
3. ANON. (1980). Plantgoedontsmetting in de bloembollenteelt.Bloembollencultuur,90(50) (Supple-ment); 1361–3,1365-7.
4. BUNT, A. C. (1976).Modern potting composts. George Allen & Unwin, London, UK.
5. I.C.I. PLANT PROTECTION DIVISION (undated).Berelex. Ref. No. 2367/Na. I.C.I. Plant Protection Division, Fernhurst, Haslemere, GU27 3JE, UK.