1. Adair, A., Crosby, Ν., Watkins, С. and Lim, L. (2000).The contribution of the RICS Cutting Edge Conference to real estate research: the participants, their impact and the research agenda. Paper presented at the RICS Cutting Edge Conference, London.
2. Adair, A., Crosby, N., Lim, L. and Watkins, C. (2001a).Is There a Property Valuation Research Agenda: Evidence from the RICS Cutting Edge?Paper presented at the World Valuation Congress IX, Singapore.
3. Adair, A., Crosby, N., Lim, L. and Watkins, C. (2001b).An Emerging European Valuation Research Agenda: evidence from the European Real Estate Society and the RICS Cutting Edge conferences. The European Group of Valuers Associations (TEGoVA), London.
4. Baum, A., Crosby, Ν., Gallimore, P., McAllister, P. and Gray, A. (2000).The influence of valuers and valuations on the workings of the commercial property investment market, London, Investment Property Forum (Research funded by the Education Trusts of the Investment Property Forum, Jones Lang LaSalle and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)
5. Investment Property Forum/Investment Property Databank (2000)The Assessment and Management of Risk in the Property Investment Industry, Investment Property Forum/Investment Property Databank, London.