1. Bennett, B. A. Underwater observations of the squid Illex illecebrosus in the Newfoundland inshore waters. Proceedings of the workshop on the squid Illex illecebrosus, Edited by: Balch, N., Amaratunga, T. and O'Dor, R. K. pp.12.1–12.9. Halifax, N.S.: Dalhousie University. Fish. Mar. Sen. Tech. Rep. No. 833.
2. Observations on feeding of the squid Illex illecebrosus illecebrosus (Lesueur, 1821) in captivity
3. Hirtle, R. Observations on feeding and grooming behaviours of captive squid, Illex illecebrosus. Proceedings of the workshop on the squid Illex illecebrosus. Edited by: Balch, N., Amaratunga, T. and O'Dor, R. K. pp.13.1–13.5. Halifax, N.S.: Dalhousie University. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. No. 833.
4. Optimal strategies for predator avoidance: The relative importance of speed and manoeuvrability