1. Abbasi, S. S., Ahmad, B., Ali, M., Anwar, M. Z., Dahri, Z. H., Habib, N., Hussain, A., Iqbal, B., Ishaq, S., Mustafa, N., Naz, R., Virk, Z. T. & Wester, P. (2017). The Indus basin: A glacier-fed lifeline for Pakistan. HI-AWARE Working Paper 11. HI-AWARE. https://lib.icimod.org/record/32783
2. Focus on environmental risks and migration: causes and consequences
3. Adger, W. N., Pulhin, J. M., Barnett, J., Dabelko, G. D., Hovelsrud, G. K., Levy, M., Oswald Spring, U. & Vogel, C. H. (2014). Human security. In Climate change 2014: Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability (pp. 755–791). Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.
4. Uncertainty in adaptive capacity