1. ACJP. Church of St. John and St. Philip The Hague. History. http://www.stjohn-stphilip.org/history. Accessed 2 November 2021.
2. allecijfers.nl. Hoogste percentage allochtonen van gemeenten in Nederland. https://allecijfers.nl/ranglijst/hoogste-percentage-allochtonen-van-gemeenten-in-nederland/. Accessed 23 October 2021.
3. APCH: American Protestant Church of The Hague. History. 2019. https://storage.snappages.site/T82G4Q/assets/files/HISTORY-2.pdf. Accessed 2 November 2021.
4. Introduction: An Approach to an ‘Ordered Disorder’
5. Ethnography, Superdiversity and Linguistic Landscapes