1. The Structural and Competitive Characteristics of the Taiwanese Man-made-fibre Industry
2. Gustav Ranis and John C.H. Fei. 1988.‘The Evolution of Policy Behind Taiwan's Development Success’4–6. Yale University Press. 3R-39;M. Shahid Alam, ‘Governments and Markets in Economic Development Strategies-Lessons from Korea, Taiwan, and Japan’, Praeger Publishers, 1989, pp. 74–78
3. Li, K. T. and Cheng, M. C. 1987.‘The General Economic Strategy in Taiwan’151Leian Gin Ltd. Part A. 154, 169, and 247 (in Chinese);C.H. Lin, ‘The Development of the Taiwanese Economy Over the Past 40 years’, Culture and Publication Department, The Independence Evening Post, Third Edition. 1989, P. 56 (in Chinese);J.H. Power, G.P. Sicat, and Mo-Huan Hsing, ‘Industrialisation and Trade Policies—The Philippines and Taiwan’, Oxford University Press, 1971, P. 188
4. Ranis, G. and Fei, J. C.H. Op Cit pp. 93, 125, 134, 135;Simon Long, Taiwan to 1993, Politics Versus Prosperity’, Special Report, No. 1159. The Economist Intelligence Unit, 1989, pp. 30–31: J.H. Power, G.P. Sicat, and Mo-Huan Hsing, Op Cit P. 176, pp. 213–216