1. Jung Young Lee, Marginality: The Key to Multicultural Theology (Minneapolls: Fortress Press, (1995)), 45.
2. Corrine Glesne, Becoming Qualitative Researchers, 2nd ed. (New York: Longman, (1999)), 44.
3. Robert Boostrom, "Learning to Pay Attention," Qualitative Studies in Education, 7:1,(1994), 51-64.
4. David A. Erlandson, Edward L. Harris, Barbara L. Skipper, and Steve D. Alien, Doing Naturalistic Inquiry (Newbury Park: Sage, (1993)), 82-84.
5. Glesne, Becoming Qualitative Researchers, 28-30; Michael Q. Pattern, Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods, 2nd ed. (Newbury Park: Sage, (1990)), 182-83.