1. All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations. 2018. “Zvernennya Vseukrayins’koyi Rady Tserkov i relihiynykh orhanizatsiy pro nedotsil’nist’ i ryzyky ratyfikatsiyi Stambul’s’koyi konventsiyi (proekt № 0119) v umovakh katastrofichnoyi demohrafichnoyi sytuatsiyi” [UCCRO Appeal to the Parliament about the Inexpediency and Risks of the Ratification of the Istanbul Convention]. VRCiRO, December 10, 2018. https://vrciro.org.ua/ua/statements/uccro-appeal-to-parliament-against-istanbul-convention.
2. All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations. 2019. “Rezolyutsiya «Mobilizatsiya hromady proty domashn’oho nasyl’stva ta nasyl’stva za oznakoyu stati»“ [Resolution “Mobilizing the Community against Domestic and Gender-Based Violence”]. VRCiRO, July 24, 2019. https://vrciro.org.ua/ua/news/resolution-community-mobilization-against-domestic-violence-and-sex-based-violence.
3. All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations. 2021a. Obgruntuvannya neobkhidnosti doopratsyuvannya proektu Zakonu pro vnesennya zmin do deyakykh zakonodavchykh aktiv Ukrayiny (shchodo harmonizatsiyi zakonodavstva u sferi zapobihannya ta protydiyi dyskryminatsiyi iz pravom Yevropeys’koho Soyuzu) reyestr. № 0931” [Explanation of the Need to Refine the Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (on Harmonization of Legislation in the Field of Preventing and Combating Discrimination with the Law of the European Union), register Nr. 0931]. In Zbirnyk dokumentiv 1996–2021 [Collection of Documents 1996–2021], 302–303. Kyyiv: Media svit.
4. All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations. 2021b. “Rada Tserkov domovylasya z Prem”yer-ministrom reahuvaty na demohrafichnu kryzu” [The Council of Churches Agreed with the Prime Minister to Respond to the Demographic Crisis]. VRCiRO, April 23, 2021. https://vrciro.org.ua/ua/events/uccro-meeting-with-prime-minister-of-ukraine-on-demographic-crisis.
5. All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations. 2021c. “Rada Tserkov zaklykaye vidkhylyty zakonoproekt № 5488 shchodo neterpymosti” [The Council of Churches Calls for the Fejection of Draft Law No. 5488 on Intolerance]. VRCiRO, June 4, 2021. https://vrciro.org.ua/ua/statements/uccro-against-draft-law-5488.