1. The researches of Letterio Augliera inLibri politica religione nel levante del Seicento: la tipografia di Nicodemo Metaxàs primo editore di testi greci nell'Oriente ortodoso(Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 1996) show that the book was printed in 1626 by Nikodemos Metaxas in Kephalonia, where he stopped en route to Contantinople with a press and type bought in London. To avoid detection, he gave the book a fake London imprint, using the name of the London printer John de Haviland. Very few copies are known to survive
2. This conclusion was confirmed by Dr John Sharpe
3. 2003. The text of my paper ‘Recording medieval bindings—the role of the conservation survey, with reference to work currently under way in the library of the monastery of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai’ is to be published in the proceedings of the conference’.a reliure mediévale: pour une description normalisée’ held in Paris, 22–24 May