1. Ames, M., O’Malley, C. B. S., Coca, V., Dickinson, M., Freudenberg, N., Goldrick-Rab, S., James, C. J., Lamberson, P., Richardson, B., Poppendieck, J. & Valero, C. (2020). The state of food security at CUNY in 2020. Healthy CUNY and the Hope center for College Community and Justice. CUNY Urban Food Policy website. https://www.cunyurbanfoodpolicy.org/news/2020/05/20/the-state-of-food-security-at-cuny-2020
2. Bronx Community College. (n.d.), Student activities: Food and garden club. Bronx Community College website. http://www.bcc.cuny.edu/academics/academic-departments/health-physical-education-and-recreation-department/student-activities/