1. ADST. 1998a. “Ambassador Henry Byroade Interviewed by Niel M. Johnson.” The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project. https://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Byroade,%20Henry.toc.pdf
2. ADST. 1998b. “Ambassador Ernest V. Siracusa Interviewed by Hank Zivetz.” The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project. https://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Siracusa,%20Ernest%20V.toc.pdf?_ga=2.30548863.1181675018.1619094521-1861639013.1618928029
3. ADST. 2006. “John A. Bushnell Interviewed by John Harter.” The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project. https://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Bushnell,%20John%20A.toc.pdf?_ga=2.145192381.84389116.1602172906-292351239.1602172906