1. J.H. Horlock, Cogeneration-Combined Heat and Power (CHP): Thermodynamics and Economics, first ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1987.
2. John A. Belding, Conservation as an energy source, in: Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami Beach, FL, 5 December 1977–7 December 1977.
3. W.S. Ku, R. Wakefield, Study of technical and economic feasibility of fuel cell cogeneration applications by electric utilities, in: IEEE, ASME, and ASCE, Joint Power Generation Conference, Charlotte, NC, 7 October 1979–11 October 1979.
4. R.M. Reinstrom, Carbonate fuel cell power plant systems, in: Conference on Power Apparatus and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Summer Meet, USA, 26 July 1981–31 July 1981.
5. An investigation of the factors that determine the attractiveness of cogeneration