1. de Boer, G.F., Jeurissen, S.H.M., Van Roozelaar, D.J., Vos, J.G. and Koch, G. Enhancing effects of chicken anaemia agent (CAA) on Marek's disease pathogenesis. Proceedings of the 38th Western Poultry Disease Conference. pp.28
2. de Boer, G.F., Jeurissen, S.H.M., Noteborn, M.H.M. and Koch, G. Biological aspects of Marek's disease virus infections as related to dual infections with chicken anaemia virus. Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Marek's Disease. Amsterdam/Lelystad. Vol 1, pp.262–271.
3. Impaired response to killed Newcastle disease vaccine in chicken possessing circulating antibody to chicken Anaemia agent