1. The Common Market of the South is known in Portuguese as Mercosul, but this paper will follow the more common usage and refer to the area as Mercosur.
2. Federico Pinedo was an Argentine economist and minister of finance in the early 1930s and then again in 1940. His ideas on economic integration are found in his book, En tiempos de la Republica.
3. The Cepalistas were so named because of their affiliation with CEPAL, the Spanish acronym for the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA).
4. 1959.The Latin American Common Market, Vol. 59, 1Mexico City: United Nations. II. G.4 as quoted in Wionczek, Miguel S. (ed.). Latin American Economic Integration: Experiences and Prospects, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1966, p.4