1. The Task Force wishes to thank the 22 reviewers who participated in the project and contributed feedback on the Task Force Report, adding expertise in the areas of religion, philanthropy, education and culture, media and human rights, policy research, business, and government.
2. A full version of this Task Force Report, entitled “Advancing Freedom of Religion and Belief in a Global China: A New Framework,” was published in fall of 2004 by the Council on Faith & International Affairs. To request a copy, emailcfia@globalengage.orgor call 703-527-3100.
3. Jenkins, Philip. 2004. “The Politics of Persecuted Religious Minorities,” inReligion and Security: The New Nexus in International Relations, eds. Robert A. Seiple and Dennis R. Hoover (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield,).