The effect of word prediction settings (frequency of use) on text input speed in persons with cervical spinal cord injury: a prospective study


Pouplin Samuel1234,Roche Nicolas345,Antoine Jean-Yves6,Vaugier Isabelle4,Pottier Sandra4,Figere Marjorie4,Bensmail Djamel1234


1. New Technologies Plate-Form, AP-HP, Raymond Poincaré Teaching Hospital, Garches, France;

2. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, AP-HP, Raymond Poincaré Teaching Hospital, Garches, France;

3. Inserm Unit 1179, Team 3: Technologies and Innovative Therapies Applied to Neuromuscular Diseases, University of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France;

4. Clinical Innovations Center 1429, AP-HP, Raymond Poincaré Teaching Hospital, Garches, France;

5. Physiology-Functional Testing Ward Department, AP-HP, Raymond Poincaré Teaching Hospital, Garches, France;

6. University of François Rabelais of Tours, Tours, France


Informa UK Limited



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