1. Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation Medicine, University Medical Centre Utrecht, UMC Utrecht Brain Centre, Utrecht, the Netherlands
2. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
3. Research and Development Division, Heliomare Rehabilitation Centre, Wijk aan Zee, the Netherlands
4. Coronel Institute of Occupational Health, Amsterdam University Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
5. Department of Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy Science & Sports, University Medical Centre Utrecht, UMC Utrecht Brain Centre, Utrecht, the Netherlands
6. Research Committee Dutch Spinal Cord Association, Utrecht, the Netherlands
7. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
8. De Hoogstraat Rehabilitation, Utrecht, the Netherlands
9. Cerebral Palsy Netherlands/Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Netherlands, Utrecht, The Netherlands