1. Department of Limnology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1953.Savannah River Biological Survey South Carolina and Georgia June 1951-May 1952.Final Report for E.I. DuPont de Nemours and company Savannah River plant. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 318 pp.
2. Department of Limnology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1954a.Catherwood diatometer studies in bay-like areas of Baltimore, Maryland, and in Lewes-Rehoboth ship channel.Conducted for American Petroleum Institute. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, PA, USA. 67 pp.
3. Department of Limnology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1954b.Stream survey report for the Sabine River Plant – Polychemicals Department E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company.Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, PA, USA. 129 pp.