Is it Possible to Use the HCR-20 V2 to Assess the Risk of Violent Recidivism of French Offenders?


Bertsch Ingrid123ORCID,Courtois Robert12,Gallard Elodie4,Réveillère Christian1ORCID,Pham Thierry H.35


1. Department of Psychology, EE 1901 Qualipsy (Qualité de vie et santé psychologique) University of Tours , Tours , France

2. Centre Ressource pour les Intervenants auprès des Auteurs de Violences Sexuelles Centre Val-de-Loire, CHRU de Tours , Tours , France

3. Centre de Recherche en Défense Sociale, CRDS , Tournai , Belgium

4. Detention Center of Mauzac , Mauzac-et-Grand-Castang , France

5. Department of Forensic Psychology, University of Mons-Hainaut , Mons , Belgium


Abstract The Historical-Clinical-Risk Management Scale 20 (HCR-20) is a structured tool to assess the risk of violence and assist in its management. French professionals are reluctant to use it because only a few studies have shown its psychometric qualities with French samples. The objective of this study is to test the psychometric qualities of the HCR-20 with samples of violent detainees in France. The HCR-20 and Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) were administered to 128 violent offenders with an average age of (44.16±12.30) years. We evaluated the reliability, internal consistency and validity of the HCR-20 and conducted an exploratory factor analysis. The results show that the HCR-20 has good psychometric qualities with a sample of French prisoners. Only the Risk domain presents weak results due to the data collection locations and the participants’ age. Correlations were observed between certain factors. The exploratory factor analysis shows four factors explaining 44% of the variance. The continuation of this work will enable French professionals to use sound tools to assess the risk of recidivism.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Anthropology,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous),Pathology and Forensic Medicine,Analytical Chemistry

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