1. Abramson, D., Depari, C., Dohrn, C., Gonzalez, F., Idziorek, K., Jalali, P., Keber, L., LeVeque, R., Nelson, S., Nguyen, L. T., Sreenivasan, S., Stanton, H., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Localizing hazard mitigation: Recommendations for Westport’s comprehensive plan update. University of Washington Institute for Hazards Mitigation Planning and Research. http://mitigate.be.uw.edu/research-and-practice-2/research-and-practice/
2. Social Capital and Community Resilience
3. The physical and social determinants of mortality in the 3.11 tsunami
4. Baja, K. (2019). Guide to developing resilience hubs. Draft guidance document. Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN). http://resilience-hub.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/USDN_ResilienceHubsGuidance-1.pdf
5. A Polanyi-inspired perspective on social-ecological transformations of cities