1. Buck, T. (2022, April 3.) Thoughts for the knowledgebase [Presentation]. North Carolina Serials Conference. https://www.ncserialsconference.org/slides/2022/2022-4A-3.pdf
2. Buck, T. (2021, March 11). Packages, packages, everywhere, and none of them quite right [Presentation]. Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference, Online. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/ucfscholar/1086/
3. NISO Webinar: It's Only as Good as the Metadata: Improving OpenURL and Knowledge Base Quality
4. GoKB. (n.d.). GOKb: Global Open Knowledgebase. https://gokb.org/
5. GoKB. (n.d.). Create and edit packages. https://gokb.org/documentation/create-and-edit-packages.html