1. Sam Brooks (sbrooks@epnet.com) is the Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing for EBSCO Information Services, the world’s largest intermediary between libraries and publishers of journals and magazines. During the last fifteen years, Mr. Brooks has worked with libraries in every corner of the globe, visited institutions in more than eighty countries, and worked extensively with ministries of education, ministries of science and technology, and ministries of culture in developing nations. In addition to authoring papers in peer-reviewed library science journals, he has been published in the library publications of more than a dozen countries and has participated in panel discussions or appeared as the keynote speaker at many library conferences, including ACRL Chapter Meetings, IFLA, The Charleston Conference, ALCTS Networked Resources and Metadata Committee Meeting, International Congress of Information, LITA Technology and Access Committee Meeting, NLA Tri-Round Table (Technical Services, Information & Technology), and many others. Mr. Brooks is active in the development of database resources for EBSCO and acts as a primary liaison between EBSCO’s customers, various library advisory boards, and EBSCO’s development teams.
2. Digitally Empowered Development