1. Are all transit stations equal and equitable? Calculating sustainability, livability, health, & equity performance of smart growth & transit-oriented-development (TOD)
2. Beyond the Neighborhood Unit
3. Banerjee, T., Bahl, D. (2018). Institutional response to transit oriented development in the Los Angeles metropolitan area: Understanding local differences through the prism of density, diversity, and design. Metrans Transportation Center. https://metrans.org/assets/research/Tier-1-UTC_17-09_Final-Report.pdf
4. Banerjee, T., Garde, A., Bahl, D. (2021). Increasing access, mobility, and shelter opportunities for disadvantaged populations: Affordable housing in transit-oriented developments. Metrans Transportation Center. https://www.metrans.org/assets/research/psr-19-09_to-041_banerjee_final-report.pdf
5. Smart Growth Planning for Climate Protection