1. Ann Belser, Latex Allergies Prompt Nurses' Suit, PITT. POST-GAZETTE, Sept. 25, 1999, at A1.
2. Id. See also Latex: Ten Percent of Health Care Employees Affected Severely by Allergic Reaction, 8 BNA's HEALTH L. REP. 1489 (1999).
3. Latex: Hospital Worker Awarded $1.1 Million on Claim that Latex Gloves Were Defective, 9 BNA's HEALTH L. REP. 1243 (2000).
4. Barbara A. Muller et al., An Approach to Managing Latex Allergy in the Health Care Worker, J. ENVTL. HEALTH, July 1, 1998, at S, available at 1998 WL 14133468.
5. See generally Green v. Smith & Nephew AHP, Inc., 617 N.W.2d 881 (Wis. App. 2000). See also Former LPN Blames Ailments on Latex Gloves, AP, Mar. 3, 2000.