1. Mathon (C.C.), Stroun (M.), Grossin (F.), Gaillochet (J.) et Gandrieau, (A.), 1962.—Variation des types de réactions photopériodiques, 87eCongr. Soc. Sav., Poitiers, 1081–1091.
2. Mathon (C.C.), Gaillochet (J.), Stroun (M.), Luciani (F.), Gandrieau (A.), Dionnet (S.) et Gaston, (M.), 1966.—Variations in the types of photo-periodical reactions in plants according to modification of light intensity and quality, Stenoperiodism and ambiperiodism, Differentiation of apical meristems and some problems of ecological regulation of development of plants.Proceedings of a Symposium, Praha-Nitra, 1964,Czechoslovak Acad. of Sc., 313–322.
3. Et diverses autres publications relatives à l'une ou l'autre espèce.