1. Studies on the sorption of Pu(IV) on alumina microspheres from nitric acid-oxalic acid solutions
2. R. V. Kamat, T.V. Vittal Rao, K. T. Pillai and V. N. Vaidya, “Preparation of Platinum-loaded Alumina Microspheres.” National Seminar on Sol-gel Science and Technology. CGCRI. Calcutta, August (2000).
3. K. T. Pillai, R. V. Kamat and V.N. Vaidya, “Preparation of AMP-trapped Alumina Spherical Particles Using Gel Entrapment Technique,” National Seminar on Sol-gel Science and Technology, CGCRI, Calcutta, August (2000).
4. A study of chemical parameters of the internal gelation based sol-gel process for uranium dioxide