1. Sir Owen Dixon, ‘Address upon Taking the Oath of Office in Sydney as ChiefJustice of the High Court of Australia on 21st April, 1952’ in Judge Woinarski (ed),Jesting Pilate and other Papers and Addresses(Law Book Company, Melbourne 1965) 247. Sir Owen Dixon was appointed a Justice of the High Court of Australia in 1929 and sat as a Justice until 1952 when he was appointed Chief Justice of the High Court. He retired in 1964 and died in 1972. Information about Sir Owen Dixon can be found in Daryl Dawson and Grant Anderson, ‘Dixon, Sir Owen (1886—1972)' inAustralian Dictionary of Biography(Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 1996) Vol 14, 7 (which can also be viewed online at accessed 22January 2010).
2. See, eg, Frank Carrigan, ‘A Blast from the Past: The Resurgence of Legal Formalism’ (2003) 27 Melbourne UL Rev 163; Allan Hutchinson, ‘Heydon' seek: Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places’ (2003) 29 Monash UL Rev 85.
3. See, eg, John Gava, ‘Another Blast from the Past or Why the Left Should Embrace Strict Legalism: A Reply to Frank Carrigan’ (2003) 27 Melbourne UL Rev 186; John Gava, ‘Unconvincing and Perplexing: Hutchinson and Stapleton on Judging’ (2007) 26 U of Queensland LJ 67.
4. See, eg, Richard Posner,How Judges Think(Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2008).